

March 4, 2024 by Maria Chege0

It does not in totality equate to dizziness but is a form of dizziness accompanied by a whirling, spinning sensation with a lack of postural stability or balance. Can be accompanied with Nausea and Vomiting

Vertigo can be a disease on its own, but it can also be a symptom of a chronic or acute condition.

For a better understanding, let’s remotely understand how balancing works. Balancing involves a complicated connection between the brain, inner ears, eyes, spine, and muscles. Disturbances, injuries, and infections of the above-mentioned can result in dizziness or vertigo.

Causes range from benevolent to life-threatening conditions.


Let’s start with the common ones:

Side effects of Medications such as antibiotics, chemotherapy, etc.

* Specific forms of migraines, like vestibular migraines.

*Motion Sickness.

peripheral Vertigo involving the inner ear (vestibular organ)


Today we focus on peripheral vertigo as a result of malfunctioning of the inner ear.

It’s important to note that the inner ear, being one of the smallest organs, has a complex ib structure with very many microscopic structures coordinating earing and balancing. We will spare you the details of how it works.

Peripheral vertigos include:

  1. Benign paroxysmal positional Vertigo.

The most common vestibular disorders.

Vertigo or dizziness with acute onsets may last a few seconds to a few minutes.

The vertigo manifests itself with a change in body posture: turning in bed, movement of the head.

Trigger in layman’s tongue: irritation of the inner ear due to loose microscopic fragments detaching themselves from their fixation and circulating within the microscopic inner channels of the ear.

The diagnosis is clinical.

Therapy is the repositioning of detached fragments with physio—therapeutic special vertigo training.


2.Neuropathia Vestibularis.

Patients present with severe vertigo, mostly associated with nausea and vomiting and conspicuous loss of balance.

It is believed to be associated with an inflammation of the inner ear.

The diagnosis is also clinical after a thorough examination to rule out possible central causes.

Patients profit from steroids such as prednisolone and other symptomatic medications like vomex.

3.Meniere Disease.

Presents with a triad of tinnitus, loss of hearing, and severe vertigo.


Red flags of acute dizziness or vertigo:

In acute onsets, it is important for a clinician to note that most Vertigo’s are harmless. Underlying disorders may be overseen.

These include strokes of the brainstem, tumors, or even cardiac conditions.

It is important to rule out these conditions.

Using MRI scans. Long-term ECGs.

The most important thing is to always do a thorough clinical examination and a well-sourced patient’s history. When in doubt as a clinician, better do more tests than ignore your instincts.


Lastly, as a patient, before presenting yourself with dizziness, ask yourself simple questions like:

Did I hydrate well? Is my blood sugar okay?

And, as always, seek medical advice for better treatment.

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